How To Cut A Motorcycle Windshield

Are you looking for a way to customize your motorcycle? If so, cutting out a new windshield is the perfect project to tackle. With the right tools and a bit of know-how, it’s not as difficult as you might think. And by learning how to cut out your own windshield, you’ll save time and money that would have been spent on purchasing an aftermarket replacement.

You don’t need any special skills or abilities; just some patience and the willingness to learn. So if you’re ready to take on this DIY challenge, read on for all the steps involved in cutting out a motorcycle windshield.

Key Takeaways

  • Customizing a motorcycle by cutting out a new windshield is a cost-effective DIY project.
  • Safety precautions, such as wearing protective eyewear and gloves, should be taken when cutting a windshield.
  • Accurate measurement, marking, and drilling pilot holes are essential steps before cutting the windshield.
  • After cutting and sanding the windshield, it should be installed securely using bolts or screws and sealed with sealant for a sleek, new look.

Gather the Necessary Tools

You’ll need the right tools to get the job done, so gather ’em up! When cutting a motorcycle windshield, you’ll need to buy supplies like safety glasses, plastic sheeting, measuring tape, a ruler or straight edge, and a utility knife. Make sure to take all necessary safety precautions when working with sharp tools. Always wear protective eyewear and gloves while cutting the windshield.

Measure your windshield before beginning to ensure it fits correctly after being cut. Place the plastic sheeting beneath the windshield during cutting in order to protect any surface you may be working on from scratches or chips. Lastly, use a utility knife as opposed to scissors or other sharp objects for an even cut.

With these items and safety measures in place, you’re ready to begin cutting your windshield!

Measure and Mark the Windshield

Before you start, measure your current windshield and mark it with a piece of tape to ensure an accurate cut. For example, if your motorcycle has a round windshield, use a protractor to measure the radius and mark it accordingly.

Wear protective glasses while doing so in order to keep your eyes safe from any glass fragments. Clean the surface of the windshield before marking it off; this will help make sure that the measurements are precise and there is no debris hindering the accuracy of your marks.

When finished measuring and marking off, double-check all measurements for accuracy before cutting. This will help guarantee that the finished product is exactly what you desired when you began this project!

Drill Pilot Holes

Using a drill, create two pilot holes at each marked point to ensure accuracy of the cut. It’s important to be mindful when drilling for motorcycle windshields: safety is key! When drilling your pilot holes, make sure you wear protective goggles and gloves. Make sure the drill bit size is appropriate for the material of the windshield and that it won’t cause any damage to its structural integrity.

Safety Tips Windshield Protection
Wear protective gear Use an appropriate drill bit size
Don’t apply too much pressure Keep windshield stable during drilling process
Drill cautiously and slowly Inspect your work afterwards for accuracy and safety checks

Drilling slowly helps reduce the risk of cracking or damaging your windshield. Plus, once you’ve drilled all your pilot holes, take a few minutes to inspect them carefully before moving on to cutting – this will help protect against serious risks while riding. Remember, motorcycle safety should always be top priority!

Cut Out the Windshield

Now that you’ve prepped the windshield, it’s time to perform the operation.

To cut out the windshield, start by positioning a cutting wheel on your motorcycle. Use a rotary tool to make an incision along the outline of your desired shape. Make sure to adjust the fitment as necessary and secure any clips so that it’s properly attached during this process.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to make multiple passes with the cutting wheel for each side of the windshield before it can be removed completely from your motorcycle.

After completing these steps, you should be able to remove and detach the pieces of glass from your bike and discard them safely.

Sand Down the Edges

Smooth out the edges of your windshield to ensure a secure fit by sanding them down. Before you begin, be sure to properly protect yourself with safety equipment and use reinforcing material on the area where you will be working. You should also have the right tools for this job: sandpaper, an orbital sander, dust mask and safety glasses are all necessary items.

Tool Reason
Sandpaper To smooth down any rough spots or jagged edges on the windshield.
Orbital sander To quickly and evenly sand larger areas of the windshield.
Dust mask To prevent breathing in any glass particles while sanding.
Safety glasses To protect your eyes from flying debris while sanding.

Polish the Windshield

After sanding, you’ll want to polish the windshield for a glossy finish. You can use painting techniques like buffing and waxing to achieve the desired result.

Buffing involves using a soft cloth with small circular motions to rub away any residue left from the sanded edges. Apply a thin layer of wax afterwards to protect your windshield from weather damage and fading. Use a clean cloth or brush to evenly spread the wax over the surface of your windshield. Finally, buff with a soft cloth for an extra shine and durable protection.

With these simple yet effective painting techniques, your motorcycle windshield will look great!

Install the Windshield

Installing the windshield is the final step in giving your ride a sleek, new look. To get it just right, start by carefully placing the shield on top of the frame and securing it with bolts or screws. Add accessories like decorative trim to give it a professional finish.

Next, use a special sealant to create an airtight barrier between your frame and windshield so wind won’t blow through any gaps. To replace an existing windshield, you’ll need to remove old adhesive from around the edges before laying down the new one and adding sealant.

With this method, you’ll have a strong windshield that looks amazing!

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of drill bit should I use?

For the best results and motorcycle safety, use a carbide-tipped drill bit at a low speed. Make sure to choose the right size for your windshield and take your time for accuracy.

How do I know what size windshield I need?

To determine the size of windshield you need, use a measuring technique or consult a sizing chart. Measure accurately and refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for best results.

What is the best way to protect my hands while cutting the windshield?

Take the necessary safety precautions to protect your hands while cutting. Wear appropriate gloves and measure properly so you can get the job done right!

Is it necessary to have a special polishing tool to finish the job?

You need to select the right polisher for the job. Safety equipment is essential, so make sure you wear gloves and eye protection when cutting. A special polishing tool isn’t always necessary, but it can help give your windshield a professional-looking finish.

Is there a particular type of adhesive I should use to install the windshield?

When mounting a windshield, it’s important to select the right adhesive. Consider your technique when selecting an adhesive as different methods require different types of adhesives. Make sure you choose one that is suitable for your mounting technique for best results.


You’ve now completed the task of cutting your motorcycle windshield, and you can feel a sense of accomplishment!

You’ve learned that with proper knowledge and careful attention to detail, you can make complex tasks easier.

Not only that, but you may have even uncovered a deeper truth about yourself – that with practice, patience, and determination, anything is possible.

Now go out there and show off your new shiny windshield!

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